#CPSSickOut, Monday, February 1st, 2021
Our kid will not attend his classes on Monday, February 1, 2021, in protest of the current CPS reopening plan. We talked about what is going on between the mayor, CPS, and teachers, and what this action is about. He decided to participate in the action: "I'm in. ✋"
For clarification. This is not Raise Your Hand for Illinois Public Education. This action is planned and organized by a group of individual Black, Brown, and White parents who are tired of being ignored, disenfranchised, and used by CPS who maneuvers the buzz word "equity" to justify the plan WITHOUT truthfully listening to parents, families, and students, especially those who are most impacted. We decided to stand with them as a fellow public school family.
In August 2020, Friends of Bret Harte Elementary and Raise Your Hand hosted an event "Black Students Matter: Educational Equity 1963, 2020, and Beyond". What we learned from the film "'63 Boycott" and legendary Ms. Rosie Simpson was the power of grassroots actions and the significance of listening to the young people. If our students are struggling, instead of providing a "solution" based on assumptions, ask them how they are struggling and listen to what they really want. There is no solution without authentic engagement.
We fully realize that this action is not viable for all families and students. We stand with you, too. Whether you opt in to hybrid or remote, each single student, each single family deserves a quality education and support they need. That is the true meaning of equity. Everyone deserves better no matter what you choose. We happen to be able to participate in this action this time. Maybe you will be next time when I may not. We have each other's back in solidarity.
In the event page, there is a list of things you can do, for those who participate in the action, and for those who do not. Visit the event page, click "discussion" tub, and you will see a pinned post. I will also copy paste it below.
All CTU teachers, especially amazing teachers of our kid, we know you want to teach and you will do so remotely on Monday. This is not a protest against you, but for you. Despite that my kid will miss your phenomenal instructions on Monday, we hope you understand that we are standing with you, too.
#CPSSickOut #PlanItRightCPS #StudentsFirst
Here is the description of the action by organizers. You can also see the link to all resources.
Our kids are being used as a bargaining chip in a power struggle that does not seem to have their best interest in mind. There is still no solid plan for what school will look like on February 1st. The options offered to us by CPS fall short for *both* the hybrid and remote student populations – perhaps because no one asked the parents about what their families’ needs are in the first place?
To demonstrate that parents are important stakeholders and deserve a voice in this conversation, we are planning a sick-out starting Monday, February 1, 2021.
Our children will not attend their classes (remote or in-person) in protest of the current CPS reopening plan. Parents will send a template letter to the attendance office and principal explaining the reason why their student is participating in this school boycott.
We support our CPS teachers, staff, and principals fighting for a safe return. We demand that parents have a place at the table to collaborate and to put together a more effective reopening plan and a more robust remote learning plan.
#CPSSickOut #PlanItRightCPS #StudentsFirst
This is organized by a group of parents, families, friends, and community members from across the Chicago Public Schools district who helped plan a collective action. This is not sponsored by an existing education organization and is a grassroots parent-led protest.
What to do on Monday:
1. Call your kids in/absent from school - suggest sending email to your school, Alderman/woman, CPS - familyservices@cps.edu, Lori.lightfoot@cityofchicago.org, ceo-jackson@cps.edu, mdelvalle2@cps.edu, sotelo11@cps.edu, lmelendez9@cps.edu, dtruss1@cps.edu, etoddbreland@cps.edu, arome1@cps.edu, srevuluri@cps.edu, CPSSickOut@gmail.com
For parents calling their kids in sick: My child, NAME, will be taking a sick day and we ask that you excuse this absence today, Monday, February 1, 2021. Our whole family is sick of the current CPS reopening plan, which falls short for all families - those who chose to remain remote and those who opted for in person learning. We support all CPS staff; they have worked tirelessly to meet the needs of our children throughout the pandemic. We support our CPS teachers and staff, who have gone above and beyond and found creative ways to engage their students in the remote setting, despite the lack of resources and guidance provided by CPS. We support CPS principals who have been working around the clock trying to implement a plan they had no input on. We demand that all major stakeholders in our children’s education, including teachers, principals, and families, have a place at the table, where we can collaborate on a more robust remote learning plan and a safe reopening plan for all.
For parents not calling their kids in sick but supporting the movement: We stand in solidarity with all families taking a stand today and participating in the CPS Sick-out in protest of the current CPS reopening plan, which falls short for all families - those who chose to remain remote and those who opted for in person learning. We support all CPS staff; they have worked tirelessly to meet the needs of our children throughout the pandemic. We support our CPS teachers and staff, who have gone above and beyond and found creative ways to engage their students in the remote setting, despite the lack of resources and guidance provided by CPS. We support CPS principals who have been working around the clock trying to implement a plan they had no input on. We demand that all major stakeholders in our children’s education, including teachers, principals, and families, have a place at the table, where we can collaborate on a more robust remote learning plan and a safe reopening plan for all.
2. Fill out this form https://forms.gle/uGxkibBtWptqjfVv9
3. Share your support on social media - using our hashtags: #CPSSickOut #PlanItRightCPS #StudentsFirst
4. Show off your CPS family - create a short video or post a family picture on social media. In this video/post, give reason why you feel parents are not being heard by the district and are failing to keep teachers and students safe during the pandemic. Send your video to CPSSickOut@gmail.com or post on social media using #CPSSickOut #MyCPSFamily
5. Have your kids write a letter and/or draw pictures to CPS asking to keep their teachers and friends safe. Take pictures and share on social media using #CPSSickOut #CPSMakeItRight #StudentsFirst